Overview of major Fiz features

This page lists the major features provided by Fiz; for each feature there is a separate page with more details on that feature and information about the relevant Fiz classes.

This section is still incomplete; check back for new additions.

  • URL Dispatching: how Fiz determines what to do with incoming URLs.
  • Datasets: Fiz's general-purpose mechanism for passing around structured data.
  • Templates: a simple and safe mechanism for substituting computed values into HTML, URLs, and Javascript.
  • Sections: these are the central components in Fiz, out of which applications are constructed.
  • Data Managers and Data Requests: how Fiz applications communicate with back-end data stores such as databases.
  • Forms: how to use the FormSection class and FormElements to manage HTML forms.
  • Javascript: how to generate Javascript code to include in your Web pages.
  • Ajax: how to use the Ajax protocol with Fiz to update pages dynamically.