Tentative schedule for both linearizability and TX.

Nov 3: Today

Nov 14: TX design draft

Nov 21: Linearizability implementation

Jan 27: TX Implementation

Feb 27: 1st draft & Measurements

Mar 28: Final

Transaction Components (Assumes 4 + 1 days / wk)

Client Driven Transaction

Transaction Cleanup Coordinator (Recovery Coordinator)

Common Components (Mostly in Data Master)




Current Client Side TimeTrace:

(+  21.5 ns): sendPrepareRpc find first object
(+  41.6 ns): sendPrepareRpc objectFinder.lookup
(+ 186.1 ns): sendPrepareRpc prepareRpcs.emplace_back
(+  72.3 ns): sendPrepareRpc objectFinder.lookup and service locator comparison
(+  43.6 ns): appendOp append data to rpc
(+  94.1 ns): sendPrepareRpc break loop -- objectFinder.lookup and service locator comparison
(+  13.3 ns): send call
(+  14.7 ns): send get ackId
(+ 456.2 ns): send session->sendRequest
(+  14.7 ns): sendPrepareRpc send return

(+  34.1 ns): processPrepareRpcs check for ready Rpcs
(+ 100.6 ns): processPrepareRpcs prepareRpcs.erase


Linearizability Components



