Clusterperf is a program that we use for running performance benchmarks using a RAMCloud cluster (as opposed to Perf, which is a program that runs simpler micro-benchmarks on a single machine, without a full RAMCloud cluster).  Here are notes on how to use Clusterperf.

# This file customizes the cluster configuration for John Ousterhout.
# It is automatically included by

from config import *

hosts = []
for i in range(41,54):
 hosts.append(('rc%02d' % i,
 '192.168.1.%d' % (100 + i),

old_master_host = ('rc40', '', 20)

Defining new clusterperf benchmarks

If you'd like to create a new benchmark in the clusterperf suite, you must modify both scripts/ and src/ClusterPerf. There are comments at the beginning of each of these files describing what you must do to add a new test. In addition, take a look at how existing tests work in order to get ideas for how to create new tests.