This is a list of places we have ordered lunch from (or have discovered, and would like to order at some point). If you find more places, please add them to the list. If there's a mistake in the current list, correct it.





Past orders:

CoHo 2013-01-31

Email sent to: coho@stanford

Dear CoHo,
I'd like to place the following order for 10 people for lunch tomorrow
(Thursday, Jan 31):
3 turkey sandwich boxes,
2 roast beef sandwich boxes,
2 chicken salad sandwich boxes,
2 roasted tomato sandwich boxes,
1 roasted veggie & tofu sandwich box
For the goodies, please include a mix of {apple, chips, side salad}
and {apple, cookies, side salad}.
For the beverages, please include 4 bottled waters and 6 sodas.
Can you deliver these to Gates 359 at noon tomorrow? My cell phone is
xxx-xxx-xxxx. Please confirm.


One mistake was not specifying the breads. One box ended up with gluten-free bread, and that's just not pleasant.

We had one tomato and one turkey sandwich left over, and three waters and two sodas left over. So water is not very popular, but that's a pretty good order overall.