
Each server in the RAMCloud system serves two roles: it is master for some objects (it stores those objects in its DRAM and handles reads and writes for the object), and it also serves as backup for other objects. A backup server is responsible for storing information on disk as directed by masters, and retrieving that information from disk during crash recovery. Each object in RAMCloud is typically backed up on several machines; each master divides its data among many different backup machines; and each backup records information for many masters.

client machine

A machine running one or more applications that use the RAMCloud storage system. The applications normally use a client library package to communicate with the RAMCloud servers. Client machines cannot necessarily be trusted by the RAMCloud servers, and the RAMCloud system does not depend on any particular behavior of client machines.

client library

A collection of functions used by applications to access the RAMCloud storage system. The client library may include significant functionality that extends the base functions provided by the RAMCloud servers. For example, the client library will probably understand the contents of stored objects, whereas the servers treat the objects as opaque blobs. It is possible for there to be different client libraries that implement different abstractions on top of the base RAMCloud features; examples might be a memcached API, a full relational model, or a file system API.

first-stage recovery

The period of time immediately after a server crash, during which that server's data is unavailable. During this stage of recovery backups read data from their disks into memory, and one or more replacement servers retrieve enough data from the backups to resume system operation.


Used to provide efficient forms of lookup on data within tables. Each table may have any number of indexes associated with it; each index maps from keys in some form (strings, numbers, timestamps, etc.) to a set of objects within the table. Indexes support range lookups as well as exact matches.


A 64-bit identifier that names an object within its table. By default keys are assigned sequentially for each table by the RAMCloud system starting at 1 and are never reused; however, applications can choose keys explicitly if they wish, in which case they may also be reused.


Each object lives in the DRAM of a particular server, which has primary responsibility for managing the object. That server is called the master for the object. All reads and writes of an object must be directed to the master server for that object. Each server in the RAMCloud system is master for many different objects.


The basic unit of data stored in the RAMCloud system. Each object is named with a key that uniquely identifies the object within its table. Objects are variable-length up to a limit of 1MB, and the RAMCloud servers do not interpret the contents of objects: they are just opqaue blobs of data. Each object also has a 64-bit version that increases monotonically whenever the object is modified.

second-stage recovery

The second part of the time required to recover from a crashed server. During this stage the crashed server's data is available so the system can continue servicing requests, but the recovered data is spread among multiple backup servers. This may result in higher overheads for accessing the data. During the second stage of recovery the system reorganizes the recovered data so that it is no longer occupying resources on the backup servers. After the second stage of recovery completes, the system is back to normal operation.


A portion of a shard; this is the unit in which backups write information to disk and is chosen large enough to ensure efficient disk I/O. The segment is also the unit of log cleaning: when a master has copied all live data from a segment, it instructs the backup to delete the segment. Segments are divided into blocks.


One of the machines implementing the RAMCloud storage system. Server machines are "owned" by RAMCloud: they only execute trusted RAMCloud code. Server machines execute RPC requests coming from clients, and also communicate among each other to manage the RAMCloud system.


In order to speed up recovery, each master spreads its data across multiple backups; during recovery, the backups can all retrieve their respective portions of the data in parallel. The portion of a master's data that is assigned to a single backup is called a shard. A master's data will typically divide into hundreds or thousands of shards; furthermore, each shard is typically backed up on more than one machine, to provide safety against multiple crashes. Shards are divided into segments, which are in turn divided into blocks.


Used to group related objects and to separate data from different applications. Objects are named using a table identifier and a key within the table. Access control information is based on tables, and indexes are associated with particular tables.

version number

An integer value associated with each object, which starts at 0 when the object is created and is incremented every time the object is modified. Used to implement atomic operations on the object.