This page is an attempt to create an official, unambiguous set of terms to be used throughout RAMCloud discussions, texts, and code. These terms are listed here to minimize the confusion and overhead that goes along with constantly redefining vocabulary, but of course these terms and definitions should evolve over time.

The glossary is split up into sections to make it easier to find terms. The partitions don't play out entirely cleanly, though, and (circular) references are all over the place. Maybe alphabetically with no partitions would be better...ideas?

Machine Types


A client machine has a library that queries servers on behalf of an application.


A server machine services queries from clients.

Master Server

A master server is in charge of handling requests for a set of shards. A master server is usually also a backup server for another set of shards.

Backup Server

A backup server is in charge of backing up a set of shards, usually from various master servers. A backup server is usually also a master server for another set of shards.


The master for an object is the master server for the shard which contains the object.

Data Types


A blob is some opaque, binary data stored in the system.


An object is an identifiable container for a blob. It is identified by a table and a primary key. The object contains a checksum for the blob to verify its integrity. The object also keeps a running version number, referring to the revision of the blob stored.

Object ID

Steve: A (key, version) tuple.

In a previous meeting we had used Object ID as a (table, primary key) tuple. Which is it?

A (key, version) tuple scoped to a table would identify a blob. If that's useful, maybe it should be a Blob ID.


A table is a logical grouping of objects which share a set of indexes. An object lives in exactly one table and an index is associated with exactly one table. A table also scopes primary keys within the system.

Primary key

A primary key is a system-assigned 64-bit integer (which will never be reused?) that uniquely identifies an object within a table.

Version Number

A version_number of an object is an integer that refers to the revision of its blob. It is used for the overwrite request, which asserts the previous version number as a parameter: if the server finds the given version number is out of date, the overwrite request will be aborted. When an object is modified, the version number will be incremented by the system.


A shard is a set of objects corresponding to a contiguous region of primary keys of a table – a subset of a "table's" key space. An object is a member of exactly one shard. Shards are sized for efficient disk access (i.e., they can be sucked into memory from a backup server's disk within a small amount of time if the master server fails).


A block is the main unit of memory allocation on a server. Blocks have a fixed-size, and much of a server's memory will be treated as an array of blocks. Blobs are stored in a set of blocks. A block is mapped into the blob of an object by that object's inode. A blob may start partway through the first block and end partway through a last block. In either case, space may be shared with another object. A block then stores one or more blobs or portions of blobs.


An inode stores an object. This includes the blob's checksum, its version, and all of its index entries. It also includes the mapping of blocks for the its blob, the start offset, and the length.


A shardlet is an array of constant size of blocks (akin to LFS segments). A shardlet will likely have a maximum size that is efficient to write to disk, as a backup server will write a shardlet sequentially to disk. A shardlet on a master server will be an array of pointers to blocks, while a shardlet on a backup server will probably be an array of blocks (directly).


An index is a lookup structure from arbitrary index keys to objects. An index is made up of index entries and can service range queries.

Index Key

An index key is a short, application-controlled type used in index lookup queries and range queries on indexes. The types may include string, int, float, etc.

Index Entries

An index entry is an (index key, object) pair in a given index.

Request Types

Get Request

The get request asks the server to return the object for a given table and primary key.

Overwrite Request

The overwrite request asks the server to replace the blob for a given table and primary key at a specific version number with a new blob.

Insert Request

The insert request asks the server to create a new object for a given table with the given blob and return the newly allocated primary key.

Put Request

The put request first runs the overwrite request. If no such object exists, it then runs the insert request. This happens atomically on the server.

Index Lookup Query

The index lookup query asks a server(s?) for objects matching a certain index key value in an index.

Range Query

The range query asks a server(s?) for objects matching certain index key ranges in an index.