
2/10 Meeting - Conversation about Actors

Similarities to Actors

Differences to Actors

Sound Bytes

Fragments from Agha Dissertation

1/27 Meeting 


Sound Bytes

Collin's Random Notes

WIP distillation of thoughts on DCFT.

Hadoop MapReduce Walkthrough


1354: main starts here

1385: MRAppMaster constructed as appMaster

1409: initAndStartAppMaster called on appMaster

1450: initAndStartAppMaster starts here

1479: appMaster init and start, MRAppMaster is CompositeService is AbstractService, init calls serviceInit and start calls serviceStart

252: serviceInit start creates a whole bunch of event handlers that I don't what understand yet.  There are also a bunch of "Dispatchers" who's only job is to call the handle method on the correct handler object.

1019: serviceStart starts calls createJob and startJobs

632: createJob constructs a JobImpl

1251: startJobs gets the ball rolling by generating the first startJobEvent and calls the handler.


967: handle method calls doTransition on the stateMachine

299: SetupCompletedTransition()

1560: scheduleTasks




This describes how the state machine works internally.  What is important to know is that the addTransition method takes the preState, postState, eventType, and transition.  The transition is an object whose transition method will be called during the doTransition method (called by the event handler).