This page is intended for recording steps we have taken over time to improve RAMCloud performance, along with measurements of the resulting performance gains. Add new entries at the beginning of the page, so that the entries are in reverse chronological order.

Buffer rewrite (June 2014, John Ousterhout)

Rewrote and Buffer.h from scratch to streamline and simplify, in the hopes of speeding up basic operations.

Performance comparisons:

                                        Old     New
create, append 1 chunk, delete       17.0ns  12.3ns
create, alloc 1 chunk, delete        22.3ns  15.6ns
create, copy in 1 chunk, delete      25.4ns  13.2ns
extend existing chunk (alloc only)    9.3ns   5.7ns
copy 2 small chunks out of buffer    19.2ns  19.2ns
iterate over buffer with 5 chunks    51.0ns  22.6ns

The median read time in "clusterperf readDist" dropped about 40ns as a result of these changes (from 4.95µs to 4.91µs).