clusterperf August 8, 2014

clusterperf August 8, 2014

clusterperf output measured on August 8, 2014 using rc02-rc20.

Note: these measurements were made with "-T tcp-1g" (it used TcpTransport over 1GigE). Thus, these results should provide a reasonable comparison point for people outside Stanford trying RAMCloud on traditional 1GigE networks.

basic.read100         87.3 us     read single 100B object (30B key) median
basic.read100.min     50.0 us     read single 100B object (30B key) minimum
basic.read100.9       99.8 us     read single 100B object (30B key) 90%
basic.read100.99     144.7 us     read single 100B object (30B key) 99%
basic.read100.999    180.8 us     read single 100B object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw100        1.2 MB/s   bandwidth reading 100B object (30B key)
basic.read1K          97.2 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) median
basic.read1K.min      80.4 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read1K.9       140.4 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read1K.99      150.1 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.read1K.999     188.4 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw1K         9.4 MB/s   bandwidth reading 1KB object (30B key)
basic.read10K        350.0 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) median
basic.read10K.min    304.3 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read10K.9      433.2 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read10K.99     501.2 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.read10K.999    639.6 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw10K       25.3 MB/s   bandwidth reading 10KB object (30B key)
basic.read100K         1.4 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) median
basic.read100K.min     1.1 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read100K.9       1.4 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read100K.99      1.5 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.read100K.999     1.6 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw100K      70.9 MB/s   bandwidth reading 100KB object (30B key)
basic.read1M           8.6 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) median
basic.read1M.min       8.4 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read1M.9         8.7 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read1M.99        8.8 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) 99%
basic.readBw1M       111.2 MB/s   bandwidth reading 1MB object (30B key)
basic.write100       219.4 us     write single 100B object (30B key) median
basic.write100.min   151.1 us     write single 100B object (30B key) minimum
basic.write100.9     290.2 us     write single 100B object (30B key) 90%
basic.write100.99    321.6 us     write single 100B object (30B key) 99%
basic.write100.999     1.7 ms     write single 100B object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.writeBw100     413.3 KB/s   bandwidth writing 100B object (30B key)
basic.write1K        308.7 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) median
basic.write1K.min    220.6 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write1K.9      340.5 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write1K.99     404.0 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.write1K.999      1.6 ms     write single 1KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.writeBw1K        3.1 MB/s   bandwidth writing 1KB object (30B key)
basic.write10K         1.0 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) median
basic.write10K.min   861.5 us     write single 10KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write10K.9       1.2 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write10K.99      1.4 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.write10K.999     3.8 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.writeBw10K       8.7 MB/s   bandwidth writing 10KB object (30B key)
basic.write100K        4.6 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) median
basic.write100K.min    4.4 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write100K.9      4.8 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write100K.99     5.6 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.writeBw100K     20.6 MB/s   bandwidth writing 100KB object (30B key)
basic.write1M         34.2 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) median
basic.write1M.min     34.0 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write1M.9       35.1 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write1M.99      35.4 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) 99%
basic.writeBw1M       27.8 MB/s   bandwidth writing 1MB object (30B key)
# RAMCloud multiRead performance for 100 B objects with 30 byte keys
# located on a single master.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiRead_oneMaster'
# Num Objs    Num Masters    Objs/Master    Latency (us)    Latency/Obj (us)
         1              1              1           85.1              85.15
         2              1              2          100.2              50.10
         3              1              3          100.7              33.56
         4              1              4          111.4              27.85
         5              1              5          111.9              22.37
         6              1              6          108.0              18.00
         7              1              7          113.5              16.22
         8              1              8          118.8              14.85
         9              1              9          113.9              12.66
        10              1             10          138.1              13.81
        20              1             20          189.1               9.45
        30              1             30          288.5               9.62
        40              1             40          607.1              15.18
        50              1             50        40607.9             812.16
        60              1             60        40308.6             671.81
        70              1             70        40503.8             578.63
        80              1             80        40953.8             511.92
        90              1             90        41058.0             456.20
       100              1            100        41001.4             410.01
       200              1            200         2036.6              10.18
       300              1            300         1832.0               6.11
       400              1            400         1741.8               4.35
       500              1            500         1734.0               3.47
       600              1            600         1918.2               3.20
       700              1            700         1737.0               2.48
       800              1            800        20073.2              25.09
       900              1            900         2491.7               2.77
      1000              1           1000         2898.7               2.90
      2000              1           2000        14551.3               7.28
      3000              1           3000         5874.4               1.96
      4000              1           4000        10100.5               2.53
      5000              1           5000        12620.2               2.52
# RAMCloud multiRead performance for 100 B objects with 30 byte keys
# with one object located on each master.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiRead_oneObjectPerMaster'
# Num Objs    Num Masters    Objs/Master    Latency (us)    Latency/Obj (us)
         1              1              1          101.3             101.28
         2              2              1          114.6              57.28
         3              3              1          145.2              48.39
         4              4              1          156.5              39.13
         5              5              1          155.4              31.07
         6              6              1          153.2              25.53
         7              7              1          152.6              21.80
         8              8              1          170.9              21.36
         9              9              1          188.2              20.91
        10             10              1          164.8              16.48
        11             11              1          164.0              14.91
        12             12              1          207.2              17.27
        13             13              1          233.0              17.92
        14             14              1          298.9              21.35
        15             15              1          295.3              19.69
        16             16              1          288.6              18.04
        17             17              1          281.4              16.55
        18             18              1          320.1              17.78
# RAMCloud multi-read throughput of a single server with a
# varying number of clients issuing 70-object multi-reads on
# randomly-chosen 100-byte objects with 30-byte keys
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiReadThroughput'
# numClients   throughput     worker utiliz.
#              (kreads/sec)
    1                2           0.001
    2                4           0.002
    3                5           0.002
    4                7           0.003
    5                9           0.004
    6               10           0.005
    7               12           0.005
    8               14           0.006
    9               16           0.007
   10               18           0.007
   11               19           0.008
   12               21           0.009
   13               23           0.010
# RAMCloud multiWrite performance for 100 B objects with 30 byte keys
# located on a single master.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiWrite_oneMaster'
# Num Objs    Num Masters    Objs/Master    Latency (us)    Latency/Obj (us)
         1              1              1          242.4             242.37
         2              1              2          287.2             143.59
         3              1              3          299.4              99.81
         4              1              4          351.3              87.82
         5              1              5          305.6              61.11
         6              1              6          330.6              55.09
         7              1              7          345.1              49.30
         8              1              8          324.4              40.55
         9              1              9          321.5              35.72
        10              1             10          350.4              35.04
        20              1             20          671.3              33.57
        30              1             30         1199.7              39.99
        40              1             40         1268.8              31.72
        50              1             50        41008.9             820.18
        60              1             60        40988.4             683.14
        70              1             70        41105.4             587.22
        80              1             80        81525.5            1019.07
        90              1             90        81985.8             910.95
       100              1            100        82014.2             820.14
       200              1            200        42495.5             212.48
       300              1            300        42576.4             141.92
       400              1            400        42492.9             106.23
       500              1            500        42988.4              85.98
       600              1            600        43429.9              72.38
       700              1            700        46641.0              66.63
       800              1            800        53992.6              67.49
       900              1            900        46058.4              51.18
      1000              1           1000        47202.2              47.20
      2000              1           2000        57735.4              28.87
      3000              1           3000        67637.4              22.55
      4000              1           4000        86611.8              21.65
      5000              1           5000        96214.0              19.24
# Cumulative distribution of time for a single client to read a
# random 100-byte object from a single server.  Each line indicates
# that a given fraction of all reads took at most a given time
# to complete.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py readDist'
# Time (usec)  Cum. Fraction
    0.00       0.000
   58.18       0.000
   63.41       0.010
   73.98       0.020
   74.33       0.030
   74.55       0.040
   74.69       0.050
   74.88       0.060
   75.13       0.070
   75.59       0.080
   77.86       0.090
   81.09       0.100
   88.03       0.110
   92.61       0.120
   93.05       0.130
   93.47       0.140
   94.85       0.150
   95.38       0.160
   95.63       0.170
   95.81       0.180
   95.98       0.190
   96.15       0.200
   96.37       0.210
   96.72       0.220
   97.79       0.230
   98.38       0.240
   98.95       0.250
  100.49       0.260
  105.88       0.270
  114.86       0.280
  122.11       0.290
  125.41       0.300
  125.78       0.310
  125.89       0.320
  125.96       0.330
  126.01       0.340
  126.09       0.350
  126.27       0.360
  126.65       0.370
  130.34       0.380
  132.00       0.390
  133.17       0.400
  133.41       0.410
  134.16       0.420
  134.57       0.430
  134.64       0.440
  134.72       0.450
  134.83       0.460
  134.88       0.470
  134.91       0.480
  134.93       0.490
  134.95       0.500
  134.96       0.510
  134.98       0.520
  134.99       0.530
  135.00       0.540
  135.02       0.550
  135.03       0.560
  135.04       0.570
  135.05       0.580
  135.06       0.590
  135.07       0.600
  135.09       0.610
  135.10       0.620
  135.11       0.630
  135.12       0.640
  135.14       0.650
  135.16       0.660
  135.18       0.670
  135.20       0.680
  135.23       0.690
  135.27       0.700
  135.32       0.710
  135.36       0.720
  135.39       0.730
  135.42       0.740
  135.45       0.750
  135.48       0.760
  135.51       0.770
  135.54       0.780
  135.58       0.790
  135.63       0.800
  135.71       0.810
  135.80       0.820
  135.88       0.830
  136.00       0.840
  136.28       0.850
  137.08       0.860
  139.10       0.870
  139.50       0.880
  139.66       0.890
  139.92       0.900
  140.20       0.910
  140.95       0.920
  141.64       0.930
  142.88       0.940
  147.48       0.950
  160.34       0.960
  171.64       0.970
  181.10       0.980
  185.58       0.990
  203.16       0.999
  278.85       0.9999
 2521.43       1.000
# RAMCloud read throughput of a single server with a varying
# number of clients issuing individual reads on randomly
# chosen 100-byte objects with 30-byte keys
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py readThroughput'
# numClients   throughput     worker utiliz.
#              (kreads/sec)
    1                9           0.011
    2               17           0.017
    3               22           0.021
    4               30           0.030
    5               37           0.036
    6               50           0.053
    7               52           0.051
    8               59           0.064
    9               71           0.072
   10               73           0.086
   11               78           0.089
   12               86           0.133
   13               97           0.107
# RAMCloud read performance for 100 B objects
# with keys of various lengths.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py readVaryingKeyLength'
# Key Length      Latency (us)     Bandwidth (MB/s)
           1             71.0                 1.4
           5             93.1                 1.1
          10             94.3                 1.1
          15             94.4                 1.2
          20             94.5                 1.2
          25             95.1                 1.3
          30             94.8                 1.3
          35             69.2                 1.9
          40             74.1                 1.8
          45             73.9                 1.9
          50             69.7                 2.1
          55             72.4                 2.0
          60             78.5                 1.9
          65             71.4                 2.2
          70             71.2                 2.3
          75             90.3                 1.8
          80             74.6                 2.3
          85             78.6                 2.2
          90             74.0                 2.4
          95            125.8                 1.5
         100             89.4                 2.1
         200             74.3                 3.9
         300             76.6                 5.0
         400             91.6                 5.2
         500             81.6                 7.0
         600             83.2                 8.0
         700             96.9                 7.9
         800             87.5                 9.8
         900            101.4                 9.4
        1000             95.0                11.0
        2000            108.2                18.5
        3000            141.4                20.9
        4000            250.8                15.6
        5000            277.2                17.5
        6000            583.1                10.0
        7000            584.1                11.6
        8000            548.9                14.1
        9000            500.7                17.3
       10000            402.0                24.0
       20000            666.9                28.7
       30000            943.5                30.4
       40000            760.4                50.3
       50000           1006.3                47.5
       60000           1217.8                47.1
# RAMCloud write performance for 100 B objects
# with keys of various lengths.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py writeVaryingKeyLength'
# Key Length      Latency (us)     Bandwidth (MB/s)
           1            210.4                 0.5
           5            190.0                 0.5
          10            287.2                 0.4
          15            282.2                 0.4
          20            257.9                 0.4
          25            220.3                 0.5
          30            222.8                 0.6
          35            264.4                 0.5
          40            232.4                 0.6
          45            270.5                 0.5
          50            268.1                 0.5
          55            261.7                 0.6
          60            292.9                 0.5
          65            227.5                 0.7
          70            227.6                 0.7
          75            274.2                 0.6
          80            267.9                 0.6
          85            267.6                 0.7
          90            290.4                 0.6
          95            296.2                 0.6
         100            276.5                 0.7
         200            273.9                 1.0
         300            282.3                 1.4
         400            314.3                 1.5
         500            323.1                 1.8
         600            307.0                 2.2
         700            325.3                 2.3
         800            299.8                 2.9
         900            297.0                 3.2
        1000            313.5                 3.3
        2000            669.6                 3.0
        3000           1043.0                 2.8
        4000           1128.8                 3.5
        5000            811.7                 6.0
        6000           1225.7                 4.7
        7000           1212.3                 5.6
        8000           1434.1                 5.4
        9000           1609.4                 5.4
       10000           1669.2                 5.8
       20000           2475.1                 7.7
       30000           3149.6                 9.1
       40000           3660.7                10.4
       50000           4213.2                11.3
       60000           4945.5                11.6



basic.read100         87.3 us     read single 100B object (30B key) median
basic.read100.min     50.0 us     read single 100B object (30B key) minimum
basic.read100.9       99.8 us     read single 100B object (30B key) 90%
basic.read100.99     144.7 us     read single 100B object (30B key) 99%
basic.read100.999    180.8 us     read single 100B object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw100        1.2 MB/s   bandwidth reading 100B object (30B key)
basic.read1K          97.2 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) median
basic.read1K.min      80.4 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read1K.9       140.4 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read1K.99      150.1 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.read1K.999     188.4 us     read single 1KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw1K         9.4 MB/s   bandwidth reading 1KB object (30B key)
basic.read10K        350.0 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) median
basic.read10K.min    304.3 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read10K.9      433.2 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read10K.99     501.2 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.read10K.999    639.6 us     read single 10KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw10K       25.3 MB/s   bandwidth reading 10KB object (30B key)
basic.read100K         1.4 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) median
basic.read100K.min     1.1 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read100K.9       1.4 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read100K.99      1.5 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.read100K.999     1.6 ms     read single 100KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.readBw100K      70.9 MB/s   bandwidth reading 100KB object (30B key)
basic.read1M           8.6 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) median
basic.read1M.min       8.4 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) minimum
basic.read1M.9         8.7 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) 90%
basic.read1M.99        8.8 ms     read single 1MB object (30B key) 99%
basic.readBw1M       111.2 MB/s   bandwidth reading 1MB object (30B key)
basic.write100       219.4 us     write single 100B object (30B key) median
basic.write100.min   151.1 us     write single 100B object (30B key) minimum
basic.write100.9     290.2 us     write single 100B object (30B key) 90%
basic.write100.99    321.6 us     write single 100B object (30B key) 99%
basic.write100.999     1.7 ms     write single 100B object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.writeBw100     413.3 KB/s   bandwidth writing 100B object (30B key)
basic.write1K        308.7 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) median
basic.write1K.min    220.6 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write1K.9      340.5 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write1K.99     404.0 us     write single 1KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.write1K.999      1.6 ms     write single 1KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.writeBw1K        3.1 MB/s   bandwidth writing 1KB object (30B key)
basic.write10K         1.0 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) median
basic.write10K.min   861.5 us     write single 10KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write10K.9       1.2 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write10K.99      1.4 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.write10K.999     3.8 ms     write single 10KB object (30B key) 99.9%
basic.writeBw10K       8.7 MB/s   bandwidth writing 10KB object (30B key)
basic.write100K        4.6 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) median
basic.write100K.min    4.4 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write100K.9      4.8 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write100K.99     5.6 ms     write single 100KB object (30B key) 99%
basic.writeBw100K     20.6 MB/s   bandwidth writing 100KB object (30B key)
basic.write1M         34.2 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) median
basic.write1M.min     34.0 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) minimum
basic.write1M.9       35.1 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) 90%
basic.write1M.99      35.4 ms     write single 1MB object (30B key) 99%
basic.writeBw1M       27.8 MB/s   bandwidth writing 1MB object (30B key)
# RAMCloud multiRead performance for 100 B objects with 30 byte keys
# located on a single master.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiRead_oneMaster'
# Num Objs    Num Masters    Objs/Master    Latency (us)    Latency/Obj (us)
         1              1              1           85.1              85.15
         2              1              2          100.2              50.10
         3              1              3          100.7              33.56
         4              1              4          111.4              27.85
         5              1              5          111.9              22.37
         6              1              6          108.0              18.00
         7              1              7          113.5              16.22
         8              1              8          118.8              14.85
         9              1              9          113.9              12.66
        10              1             10          138.1              13.81
        20              1             20          189.1               9.45
        30              1             30          288.5               9.62
        40              1             40          607.1              15.18
        50              1             50        40607.9             812.16
        60              1             60        40308.6             671.81
        70              1             70        40503.8             578.63
        80              1             80        40953.8             511.92
        90              1             90        41058.0             456.20
       100              1            100        41001.4             410.01
       200              1            200         2036.6              10.18
       300              1            300         1832.0               6.11
       400              1            400         1741.8               4.35
       500              1            500         1734.0               3.47
       600              1            600         1918.2               3.20
       700              1            700         1737.0               2.48
       800              1            800        20073.2              25.09
       900              1            900         2491.7               2.77
      1000              1           1000         2898.7               2.90
      2000              1           2000        14551.3               7.28
      3000              1           3000         5874.4               1.96
      4000              1           4000        10100.5               2.53
      5000              1           5000        12620.2               2.52
# RAMCloud multiRead performance for 100 B objects with 30 byte keys
# with one object located on each master.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiRead_oneObjectPerMaster'
# Num Objs    Num Masters    Objs/Master    Latency (us)    Latency/Obj (us)
         1              1              1          101.3             101.28
         2              2              1          114.6              57.28
         3              3              1          145.2              48.39
         4              4              1          156.5              39.13
         5              5              1          155.4              31.07
         6              6              1          153.2              25.53
         7              7              1          152.6              21.80
         8              8              1          170.9              21.36
         9              9              1          188.2              20.91
        10             10              1          164.8              16.48
        11             11              1          164.0              14.91
        12             12              1          207.2              17.27
        13             13              1          233.0              17.92
        14             14              1          298.9              21.35
        15             15              1          295.3              19.69
        16             16              1          288.6              18.04
        17             17              1          281.4              16.55
        18             18              1          320.1              17.78
# RAMCloud multi-read throughput of a single server with a
# varying number of clients issuing 70-object multi-reads on
# randomly-chosen 100-byte objects with 30-byte keys
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiReadThroughput'
# numClients   throughput     worker utiliz.
#              (kreads/sec)
    1                2           0.001
    2                4           0.002
    3                5           0.002
    4                7           0.003
    5                9           0.004
    6               10           0.005
    7               12           0.005
    8               14           0.006
    9               16           0.007
   10               18           0.007
   11               19           0.008
   12               21           0.009
   13               23           0.010
# RAMCloud multiWrite performance for 100 B objects with 30 byte keys
# located on a single master.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py multiWrite_oneMaster'
# Num Objs    Num Masters    Objs/Master    Latency (us)    Latency/Obj (us)
         1              1              1          242.4             242.37
         2              1              2          287.2             143.59
         3              1              3          299.4              99.81
         4              1              4          351.3              87.82
         5              1              5          305.6              61.11
         6              1              6          330.6              55.09
         7              1              7          345.1              49.30
         8              1              8          324.4              40.55
         9              1              9          321.5              35.72
        10              1             10          350.4              35.04
        20              1             20          671.3              33.57
        30              1             30         1199.7              39.99
        40              1             40         1268.8              31.72
        50              1             50        41008.9             820.18
        60              1             60        40988.4             683.14
        70              1             70        41105.4             587.22
        80              1             80        81525.5            1019.07
        90              1             90        81985.8             910.95
       100              1            100        82014.2             820.14
       200              1            200        42495.5             212.48
       300              1            300        42576.4             141.92
       400              1            400        42492.9             106.23
       500              1            500        42988.4              85.98
       600              1            600        43429.9              72.38
       700              1            700        46641.0              66.63
       800              1            800        53992.6              67.49
       900              1            900        46058.4              51.18
      1000              1           1000        47202.2              47.20
      2000              1           2000        57735.4              28.87
      3000              1           3000        67637.4              22.55
      4000              1           4000        86611.8              21.65
      5000              1           5000        96214.0              19.24
# Cumulative distribution of time for a single client to read a
# random 100-byte object from a single server.  Each line indicates
# that a given fraction of all reads took at most a given time
# to complete.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py readDist'
# Time (usec)  Cum. Fraction
    0.00       0.000
   58.18       0.000
   63.41       0.010
   73.98       0.020
   74.33       0.030
   74.55       0.040
   74.69       0.050
   74.88       0.060
   75.13       0.070
   75.59       0.080
   77.86       0.090
   81.09       0.100
   88.03       0.110
   92.61       0.120
   93.05       0.130
   93.47       0.140
   94.85       0.150
   95.38       0.160
   95.63       0.170
   95.81       0.180
   95.98       0.190
   96.15       0.200
   96.37       0.210
   96.72       0.220
   97.79       0.230
   98.38       0.240
   98.95       0.250
  100.49       0.260
  105.88       0.270
  114.86       0.280
  122.11       0.290
  125.41       0.300
  125.78       0.310
  125.89       0.320
  125.96       0.330
  126.01       0.340
  126.09       0.350
  126.27       0.360
  126.65       0.370
  130.34       0.380
  132.00       0.390
  133.17       0.400
  133.41       0.410
  134.16       0.420
  134.57       0.430
  134.64       0.440
  134.72       0.450
  134.83       0.460
  134.88       0.470
  134.91       0.480
  134.93       0.490
  134.95       0.500
  134.96       0.510
  134.98       0.520
  134.99       0.530
  135.00       0.540
  135.02       0.550
  135.03       0.560
  135.04       0.570
  135.05       0.580
  135.06       0.590
  135.07       0.600
  135.09       0.610
  135.10       0.620
  135.11       0.630
  135.12       0.640
  135.14       0.650
  135.16       0.660
  135.18       0.670
  135.20       0.680
  135.23       0.690
  135.27       0.700
  135.32       0.710
  135.36       0.720
  135.39       0.730
  135.42       0.740
  135.45       0.750
  135.48       0.760
  135.51       0.770
  135.54       0.780
  135.58       0.790
  135.63       0.800
  135.71       0.810
  135.80       0.820
  135.88       0.830
  136.00       0.840
  136.28       0.850
  137.08       0.860
  139.10       0.870
  139.50       0.880
  139.66       0.890
  139.92       0.900
  140.20       0.910
  140.95       0.920
  141.64       0.930
  142.88       0.940
  147.48       0.950
  160.34       0.960
  171.64       0.970
  181.10       0.980
  185.58       0.990
  203.16       0.999
  278.85       0.9999
 2521.43       1.000
# RAMCloud read throughput of a single server with a varying
# number of clients issuing individual reads on randomly
# chosen 100-byte objects with 30-byte keys
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py readThroughput'
# numClients   throughput     worker utiliz.
#              (kreads/sec)
    1                9           0.011
    2               17           0.017
    3               22           0.021
    4               30           0.030
    5               37           0.036
    6               50           0.053
    7               52           0.051
    8               59           0.064
    9               71           0.072
   10               73           0.086
   11               78           0.089
   12               86           0.133
   13               97           0.107
# RAMCloud read performance for 100 B objects
# with keys of various lengths.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py readVaryingKeyLength'
# Key Length      Latency (us)     Bandwidth (MB/s)
           1             71.0                 1.4
           5             93.1                 1.1
          10             94.3                 1.1
          15             94.4                 1.2
          20             94.5                 1.2
          25             95.1                 1.3
          30             94.8                 1.3
          35             69.2                 1.9
          40             74.1                 1.8
          45             73.9                 1.9
          50             69.7                 2.1
          55             72.4                 2.0
          60             78.5                 1.9
          65             71.4                 2.2
          70             71.2                 2.3
          75             90.3                 1.8
          80             74.6                 2.3
          85             78.6                 2.2
          90             74.0                 2.4
          95            125.8                 1.5
         100             89.4                 2.1
         200             74.3                 3.9
         300             76.6                 5.0
         400             91.6                 5.2
         500             81.6                 7.0
         600             83.2                 8.0
         700             96.9                 7.9
         800             87.5                 9.8
         900            101.4                 9.4
        1000             95.0                11.0
        2000            108.2                18.5
        3000            141.4                20.9
        4000            250.8                15.6
        5000            277.2                17.5
        6000            583.1                10.0
        7000            584.1                11.6
        8000            548.9                14.1
        9000            500.7                17.3
       10000            402.0                24.0
       20000            666.9                28.7
       30000            943.5                30.4
       40000            760.4                50.3
       50000           1006.3                47.5
       60000           1217.8                47.1
# RAMCloud write performance for 100 B objects
# with keys of various lengths.
# Generated by 'clusterperf.py writeVaryingKeyLength'
# Key Length      Latency (us)     Bandwidth (MB/s)
           1            210.4                 0.5
           5            190.0                 0.5
          10            287.2                 0.4
          15            282.2                 0.4
          20            257.9                 0.4
          25            220.3                 0.5
          30            222.8                 0.6
          35            264.4                 0.5
          40            232.4                 0.6
          45            270.5                 0.5
          50            268.1                 0.5
          55            261.7                 0.6
          60            292.9                 0.5
          65            227.5                 0.7
          70            227.6                 0.7
          75            274.2                 0.6
          80            267.9                 0.6
          85            267.6                 0.7
          90            290.4                 0.6
          95            296.2                 0.6
         100            276.5                 0.7
         200            273.9                 1.0
         300            282.3                 1.4
         400            314.3                 1.5
         500            323.1                 1.8
         600            307.0                 2.2
         700            325.3                 2.3
         800            299.8                 2.9
         900            297.0                 3.2
        1000            313.5                 3.3
        2000            669.6                 3.0
        3000           1043.0                 2.8
        4000           1128.8                 3.5
        5000            811.7                 6.0
        6000           1225.7                 4.7
        7000           1212.3                 5.6
        8000           1434.1                 5.4
        9000           1609.4                 5.4
       10000           1669.2                 5.8
       20000           2475.1                 7.7
       30000           3149.6                 9.1
       40000           3660.7                10.4
       50000           4213.2                11.3
       60000           4945.5                11.6