Vim Settings
Vim Settings
Some tips for configuring Vim for RAMCloud.
If you don't know what these do, see Vim's help pages.
If you need help, ask Diego.
- Automatically add the asterisk when you hit enter inside a Doxygen comment
- Enable the doxygen plugin to highlight inside Doxygen comments
" before syntax on: let g:load_doxygen_syntax=1
- 4-spaces, no tabs
set et ts=4 sw=4
- some more sanity
set smarttab cindent cin0=(0
- make trailing whitespace stand out
- You could do this, but it's annoying while you're typing:
syntax match Error "\s\+$" syntax match Error "\t"
- This can be configured to be less intrusive:
set list
- You could do this, but it's annoying while you're typing:
, multiple selections available,