SEDCL Retreat 2015 - Industrial Feedback Session
SEDCL Retreat 2015 - Industrial Feedback Session
Marcos Aguilera / VMWare
- Enjoyed the talks
- Two pieces of advice more with presentation format than the work itself
- Wants to see related work slide Don't spend too much time on it but it would be nice to say these are the points that are related, just for reference later on
- Wants argument or intuition about correctness of distributed protocols
- Some of these presentations give a description of distributed protocol without presenting the key idea of why these
Rich Clewett / Samsung
- Liked diversity of content
- Hope the slides can be available quickly
- They need to write reports
- Liked the fact that we are pushing latency and scalability (latency matters a lot for them).
- Being able to identify use cases [for the low latency] is helpful.
- Interesting that it's asked " does latency matter?"
- Being able to highlight uses cases where latency makes a difference is good
- If you don't care about latency you may care about other things
- Such as cost
- Problem can be run on SSD instead of DRAM you can use a lot less DRAM - may save a lot of cost
- Sometimes tradeoff is not absolute performance but instead efficiency metric
- Beautiful spot, Well-run
- enjoyed breakouts
- Liked the multiple professors talking
Qingyuan Deng / Facebook
- Works on power management
- Good to come to work with Facebook for 3-6 month
- Graduate school
- only play with 20 or 5 servers
- Go to companies to play with larger clusters
Lakshmi Ganesh / Facebook
- Works on Data center Power and usage efficiency issues
- Christos talk very relevant to her.
- Some talks today, especially Christos caused a lot of interesting
- Enjoyed retreat
- In regards to the visions of different degrees of speculativeness, wondering about time frames / time scales for each one of these [projects].
Jonathan Kaldor / Facebook
- First time at a retreat
- Moving into systems domain
- Spent a year looking at end-to-end latency issues
- He deals with existing issues (how things are) instead of how things should be (what the PlatformLab should aim to do).
- Our focus seems to be in the right area
- Nice mixture of things; well presented
- Excited to see where this will end up
- Facebook is focused on year to year issues, rather than 5-10 years down the line
- If communication in the DC becomes "free," what would we be able to gain from that?
Wonho Kim / Facebook
- Works on measuring data centers capacity
- Enjoyed the talks and discussions
- Only comment is that observation -- people care about operational simplicity as much as about performance improvements and wants us to:
- Highlight performance implications of different designs
- Consider operational complexity as we add abstractions and layers in large scale platforms
Curt Kolovson / VMWare
- He really enjoyed this
- Meta-comment
- Great to see more cohesive or integrated research agenda going forward
- Right now, this is a transition from SEDCL to the Platform Lab
- It is understandable that it is a snapshot of projects that have been ongoing
- There is a broadening out of the research and the overlap / relationship
- Forming a vision for how this could move forward
- As it progresses, it will be interesting to see how the vision of the platform lab really comes to fruition
- Really liked John's opening talk -- discuss stuff agreed to from Faculty offsite
- Set up 4 main goals / objectives that you identify as problems to solve
- Definitely going in the right direction and encourage everyone to continue
- Encourage more collaborations.
Eliezer Levy / Huawei
- First time here
- It exceeded his expectations
- Breakouts
- he liked the fact that it happened twice with a sleep in between
- Slides if available would be great
- Things to improve
- Structure the collaboration to make the interaction more frequent
- Use case driven design
- Maybe there's another way to structure a more closer partnership between industry and the faculty
- Really liked the opening session
- it gave a framework to the platform lab
- The direction is very good
- Pushing the physical limits is a worthy cause
- Wants more framework based presentation (high level ideas and observations distilled)
- Give the big picture more
- Software-defined X
- Trends: Highlight them for industry
Naoki Nishi / NEC
- Research discussion is very fundamental and maybe a critical issue for the next 5-10 years of technology development
- Consider semiconductor costs as part of the impact to technology
- Comment: Industry is approaching to the end of Moore's age
- Even so, we have to continue to improve cost and performance.
Jeff Qin / Facebook
- First time here
- Liked the spectrum of the research, impressed by the tight coupling of research direction with industry.
- Enjoyed Ana and Christos' talks about latency-sensitive services running together with best-effort tasks
- Facebook is going after this direction
- Care about latency for web requests and care about failover redundancy so they build a lot of additional capacity
- Utilization is not close to 100% because they prepare for disaster recovery
- There are a lot of CPU resources sitting on the table for best-effort jobs
- Facebook will have a new network
- improved network throughput
- reduce oversubscription from 1:133 to 1:13
- More network bandwidth to use
- Neutral to pull data from remote servers instead of push the compute to the data
- Very relevant to what they're looking for
Pratap Subrahmanyam / VMWare
- Personally, almost every one of the topics is extremely relevant to VMWare's thinking for next several years. Pleased with selection of topics.
- Break-out sessions were very unique and nice
- Gave an opportunity for us to actually discuss the nuances of a particular topic even though only half an hour
- More time would be beneficial
- Only comment
- 3rd time coming here
- He'd like to have a higher ratio of interns coming into VMWare
Hitoshi Takagi / NEC
- Still trying to catch up on topics
- Great opportunity to learn everything
- Glad to see things expanding.
- Breakout session is very good
- Want to see more vertically integrated thinking
- Integrated application down to hardware
- Not just for elements of the technologies
- It's great to see the more vertically integrated systems
David Tennenhouse / VMWare
- Apologize about not making it until 9 AM this morning
- He asked questions along the way but some were answered yesterday
- It feels as if the projects are broadening out a little bit and it's good
- Wider range of topics
- Looks like the right range of topics
- Figuring out what the next major step forward is.
John Muth / Netapp
- Appreciate the planning for some breaks
- Work is very impressive
- A number of things that can be applied today, some that will take a few years
- This is what is expected
, multiple selections available,
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